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Mobile Rooms 1.0 It has been widely recognized now that the timebar is not the ultimate guiding principle for sound design. More a
 » Home » Multimedia » Animation » Mobile Rooms 1.2
License: Shareware
Version: 1.2
System: Win 95/98/ME
Size: 0
Date Released: January 26, 2002
Price: $32.32
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 1279
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 26, 2005
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Mobile Rooms 1.0

It has been widely recognized now that the timebar is not the ultimate guiding principle for sound design. More and more the 3d factor comes into play. Mobile Rooms is a tool that builds upon 3d audio - and therefore it is not basend on the desktop, but in 3dimensional space. Sounds are not arrange in sequential order but spatally - and time unfolds if you move through space.

Mobile Rooms - a tool for experimental music, postproduction, game programming.
Technically it is based on Direct Sound an the EAX technology of Creative.


- save your own environments

- event-control sounds may be a arranged as loop, random event or via distance trigger

- space morphing

Langsam setzt sich die Überzeugung durch, daß der Zeitpfeil keineswegs die alleinige Richtschnur für die Klanggestaltung ist. Zunehmend entfaltet sich die Idee der Klangumgebung. Mobile Rooms ist ein Werkzeug, das konsequent auf 3D Audio setzt - und folglich nicht mehr auf einem Desktop, sondern im 3dimensionalen Raum angesiedelt ist. Klänge werden nicht mehr zeitlich, sondern räumlich angeordnet - und der Gang durch einen dieser Räume ergibt eine Zeitspur.

Ein Werkzeug, das sich für experimentelle Musik, Postprodction und Spielprogrammierung eignet.


- Speichern von eigenen Klangumgebungen (damit Erweiterung des EAX Spektrums)
- Event-Steuerung (Klänge können als Loops, Random-Ereignisse oder über Trigger - wie bei einer Lichtschranke - erzeugt werden
- Space morphing

Technisch besehen basiert MobileRooms auf DirectX und der EAX Technologie von Creative. Benötigt wird eine EAX kompaltiobe Soundkarte,. DirectX 7. Empfohlen: eine 3d beschleunigte Grafikkarte, mindesten 1024 x 768


So far, nothing for that!


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- Program for downloading tracks, waypoints, routes, etc, from GPS PC. - Program for checking Free Flight competitions with GPS. - Detects automaticly the landing position of the pilots. - Works with calibrated maps. - 3D view of flights and mountains. - ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E150 | Downloads: 763
Date added: Sep 26, 2005 |  » Details
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- Program for downloading tracks, waypoints, routes, etc, from GPS PC. - Program for checking Free Flight competitions with GPS. - Detects automaticly the landing position of the pilots. - Works with calibrated maps. - 3D view of flights and mountains. - ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E300 | Downloads: 966
Date added: Sep 26, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Multimedia/Animation/Review_25594_index.html
- Program for downloading tracks, waypoints, routes, etc, from GPS PC. - Program for checking Free Flight competitions with GPS. - Detects automaticly the landing position of the pilots. - Works with calibrated maps. - 3D view of flights and mountains. - ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E600 | Downloads: 687
Date added: Sep 26, 2005 |  » Details
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Date added: Sep 26, 2005 |  » Details
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UniView is a powerful image viewer, converter and manipulation tool. It supports 50+ popular image formats, including raster, vector and animated images: *.AFI, *.ANI, *.AVI, *.BMP, *.BW, *.CEL, *.CIF, *.CUR, *.CUT, *.DCX, *.DIB, *.DXF, *.EMF, *.EPS, *.GI ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $14 | Downloads: 1189
Date added: Sep 26, 2005 |  » Details
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UniView is a powerful image viewer, converter and manipulation tool. It supports 50+ popular image formats, including raster, vector and animated images: *.AFI, *.ANI, *.AVI, *.BMP, *.BW, *.CEL, *.CIF, *.CUR, *.CUT, *.DCX, *.DIB, *.DXF, *.EMF, *.EPS, *.GI ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $10 | Downloads: 1190
Date added: Sep 26, 2005 |  » Details
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